Here's the story...
Prairie Pug is a Memoire in a series of books I may never get around to writing in a traditional manner, i.e. publishing. It will happen through this blog. It’s about my quest for adventure in life that led to the first book which is printed and in ibooks, Prairie Pug.
This was written in 1991, just before my second child, my son, was born. I somehow knew that the creative endeavors might change form after having a daughter and a son. They never ceased, though. And, sometimes they were on “highs” after “lows” that come with being manic. I’d lived most of my life using this characteristic pretty successfully at least in my perspective. My family might not share this thought, I realize in hindsight.
But, being this way led to accomplishments although not really one identifiable career. My primary career was that of a Rancher’s Wife. I think God has a plan for my next career.
The synopsis of Prairie Pug Series One begins in the blog. It is four books in what might eventually be a Trilogy of First Life, Middle Age, Later Life. This gives you the general idea of Prairie Pug.